Providing Affordable Quality
Bespoke log buildings, designed and made to exceed your expectations
Beautiful log cabins, built to your individual specifications and finished to the highest standards.
Practical, versatile, and attractive buildings for offices, tea rooms, and a multitude of other situations.
Fully insulated, mobile compliant log homes with a multitude of additional features and lower running costs.
why choose premier log homes?
Materials Matter
QUALITY – We use the best quality arctic pine and spruce from Northern Finland. This close grained timber is the strongest and most durable construction material for log housing.
SUSTAINABILITY – Our timber is FSC certificated, sourced from well-managed, sustainable certified forests. CE quality certification ensures the use of highest quality materials.
ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT – Our log buildings are environmentally friendly, due to woods’ natural absorption of CO2 through its entire life span. Log homes are also economically efficient, as log is lighter than stone or concrete. Log buildings are quicker to construct than stone or brick buildings, which means lower energy consumption and costs during transportation and construction.
ROBUSTNESS – Logs are a safe and robust construction material in many different conditions: rugged terrain, extensive heat (fire resistance), earthquake zones, heavy snow-loads and extreme weather conditions.
ELEGANCE – A log home is a natural, organic and unique product. Its warmth and elegance is well suited for both modern and classical style architecture.
CHOICE – To provide you with the wall material of your liking, our mill has developed a wide range of different solid and laminated log profiles. The size, style and type of log used will depend on a number of factors, such as personal choice, intended use of building and budget.

Keep Up To Date With Our Latest Projects
Order placed!
We have received an order for one of our 2 storey, 3 bedroom homes. This will be a self build project for a couple in Berkshire and will be used for accommodation on the farm. Delivery will be early next year and we will be on hand to offer guidance and instruction.
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